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Sunday 21st July 2019. Beautiful afternoon tea concert at Hastings Museum in aid of the Alexandra Park Greenhouse Restoration Project. Songs and poems inspired by birds with instrumental interludes by Lynda Murray on sax. Helen Ridout on piano. Short talk about the history of the greenhouse in Alexandra Park. Tickets £10 including tea and homemade cake available from Tourist Information on t.451111 or on the door

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Saturday 25th November 2018 at St Clements Church. The atmospheric and evocative Snow Angel by Canadian composer Sarah Quartel forms the centre piece of this concert of beautiful contemporary music. Harmony One will be joined by pianist Helen Ridout, cellist Rachel Firmager, percussionist Liam Genockey and narrator Suzy Harvey. The programme will include some seasonal items to herald the coming of Winter. Snow Angel starts at 7,30pm and doors open at 7pm. Tickets £10 on the door or from Tourist Information tel: 01424 451111. All proceeds to Snowflake Night Shelter.




Friday 24th November 2017 at St Clements Church. A programme of beautiful music inspired by the ever changing seasons. Expect soaring melodies, strong harmonies and an interesting selection of choral music written by contemporary composers. Works being performed include songs by Bob Chilcott, Canadian composer Sarah Quartel and a choral song cycle by American composer Andy Beck for female voices, piano and string quartet. For this, Harmony One are being joined by the De La Warr String Quartet who will also be contributing their own pieces to the programme. Helen Ridout accompanies on piano. The musical items will be interspersed with original poetry written and read by local poets from the Hastings Stanza. A Song for All Seasons starts at 7.30pm and doors will be open from 7pm. All proceeds are going to the Hastings Pier Charity. Tickets £10 available from Tourist Information tel:01424 451111 or on the door. 


Wednesday 16th August 2017. Part of the series of lunchtime concerts at Holy Trinity Church. Come and enjoy this free concert of beautiful jazz/classical fusion choral music. Jazz Songs of Innocence and other works by the renowned choral composer Bob Chilcott. Expect soaring melodies and strong harmonies - a real lunch-time treat! Musical director Debbie Warren will be accompanying the group on piano, 

The concert is part of the free lunchtime concerts series at Holy Trinity Church - now in its 27th year - and runs from 1.10pm to 1.50pm. Refreshments will be available and there will be a collection for church funds..



Saturday 11th February 2017 at St Clements Church in Hastings Old Town

Beautiful settings of Shakespeare featuring works by Philip Lane, Bob Chilcott, John Rutter and Alan Bullard. Readings by RSC actors Julian Curry and Mary Chater.

Also featuring The Two Towers Handbells. All proceeds to The Snowflake Night Shelter providing overnight shelter for the homeless in Hastings during the winter months.

Tickets £8 available from Tourist Information tel: 01424 451111, B&T Music and Cobblers to the Old Town. Also available on the door. Children under 16 free

Doors open 5pm for a 5.30pm start


Read the article about us and the concert in The Hastings Online Times here


As the Summer approaches, Hastings gets busy with it's many festivals and we are delighted to be taking part in several upcoming events including Root 1066 International Festival celebrating the 950th anniversary of the Battle of Hastings.


Sunday 26th June Midsummer Fish Fest - 11.30am in the Marquee singing a selection of a capella fishing and sea-faring songs


Sunday 17th July Pirates Day - performing at various times throughout the day,

we will be singing sea shanties and piratical songs on the main stage and on the Pier


Saturday 24th Sept Clash - a vocal tapestry of choirs, poets and composers - we are one of the choirs performing new commissioned works inspired by the Bayeux Tapestry as part of Root 1066 International Festival


Saturday 8th Oct The Big Sing - a sponspored choir singathon at St Johns Church Pevensey Road to raise money for St Michaels Hospice. 20 local choirs are taking part - we are on at 1.30pm. Harmony One raised £190!


Saturday 5th Nov Herring Fair - 12pm in the Marquee singing sea-faring and herring fishing songs. 


Saturday 19th Dec Winkle Club Christmas Memorial Procession & Service

Leading the singing of Christmas carols on The Stade and remembering those who have lost their lives at sea. 





The local paper has run an article about our concert - read it here


We performed Benjamin Britten's A Ceremony of Carols and John Rutter's Dancing Day cycle of traditional carols. We were joined by harpist Vicky Lester and special guests the Fipple Consort for what proved to be a magical evening of beautiful music.


"A very joyous, enjoyable concert!" "Thank you Debbie and your lovely choir for a truly memorable evening" "Yesterday's concert was absolutely amazing!" "Celestial!" - just a few of the comments we have received from audience members.


We raised just under £900 for Hastings Furniture Service and church funds so a resounding succes all round! 

Dancing Day - Harmony One
00:00 / 00:00


Harmony One was delighted to be invited by composer Polo Piatti to form part of the Composers Festival Chorus for this amazing event. Our musical director Debbie Warren was appointed as Assistant Choral Conductor to the festival and asked to compose a piece for the chorus to sing. 

The concert on Friday 25th September at St Mary in the Castle was a resounding success! The audience were treated to new compositions for orchestra, violin and choir and the concert finished with the 60 strong orchestra accompanying the chorus who were joined by Battle Abbey Children's Choir and four professional soloists for a world premier of five movements from Polo Piatti's multi faith oratorio Libera Nos



On Saturday 27th June we gave a concert amongst the paintings of one of our members Laetitia Yhap. This was a very well attended event. We performed a mixture of traditional fishing songs that we had performed at the Midsummer Fish Fest including Herrin's Heid, Come All Ye Fisher Lassie and Dance to Your Daddy with more contemporary repertoire like Eric Whitacre's The Seal Lullaby and songs from Karl Jenkins Adiemus.

It was a memorable evening perhaps helped by the fact that there was a wine festival going on at the same time...! At times there were atmospheric moments when the seagulls could be heard outside over the music


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